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Sep 3, 20235 min read
September Santerascopes
Aries & Aries Rising Muse of Inspiration King of King of Wands Right now you are an Inspiration. Success is yours. You are a true a true...
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Mar 13, 20232 min read
Ten of Wands + Burdens
AFFIRMATION 🔮 TEN OF WANDS You are doing too much!! Today I will not worry about what other people are doing because what is meant for...
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Feb 23, 20232 min read
King of Wands (reversed)
AFFIRMATION 🔮 KING OF WANDS (reversed) What am I gaining by forcing things? What have I learned from being impulsive? How have I broken...
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Feb 21, 20233 min read
Queen of Wands + Fire Signs
AFFIRMATION 🔮 QUEEN OF WANDS Maferefun Oshun! It’s giving, “fck with me if you want to… however, I would tread carefully if I were you.”...
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Feb 20, 20233 min read
Temperance - Sagittarius
AFFIRMATION 🔮 TEMPERANCE How do I maintain balance at all times? Today my spirit guides want me to know that I am worthy of joy. They...
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