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All Hands In


The Writing Midwife encompasses all that I bring as a writing coach and instructor. 

The role of a midwife is a privilege. It has been my honor to nurture writers, not only listening with my ears, but mostly with my heart to the stories that stir beneath the surface. As the Writing Midwife I am your coach, writing instructor, and sister on this journey. As your midwife I serve as a gentle guide who protects your story and asks the questions you may be afraid to ask as you move through this creative process that is not only writing a story but giving birth to it. Writing requires a tremendous amount discipline, self-care and nurturing.


RIGHT NOW, is the most magnificent time to get new projects off the ground and give birth to those stories you were born to tell. It has been my honor to share sacred space for the “soul” purpose of nurturing women, men and gender non-conforming folk creatively for the past fourteen years. My experience comes from founding and giving birth to the NYC Latina Writers Group (est. 2006). I have curated countless spoken word events, invited authors, editors and publishers, and facilitated many writing workshops providing writers with opportunities to not only create important work, but to also understand the value of offering it to the world.


My most humbling and significant role is grounded in supporting writers in doing the hard and sometimes excruciating work of tending to the story and honing the writer’s craft.  I coined the title THE WRITING MIDWIFE after the completion of my first Writing from the Womb class (est. 2013) when a student called me “The Writing Midwife” to which I feel humbled and grateful every day. It has been an honor for me to bear witness and assist with the birth of so many stories and successful writing careers.

My Commitment To You

As your midwife I will help you discover new ways to search for your story, holding your hand as the miracles and mysteries unfold. Reminding you to breathe, to trust, to surrender to this process. Celebrating with you all of the surprises that your characters have for you.


As your midwife I am preparing you for all stages of your pregnancy/process.

I will be in partnership with you and your characters.

I will be committed to you, your self-care and your story.



"Every midwife knows

that not until a mother’s womb

softens from the pain of labour

will a way unfold

and the infant find that opening to be born.


Oh friend!

There is treasure in your heart, it is heavy with child.


All the awakened ones, like trusted midwives are saying,

welcome this pain.

It opens the dark passage of Grace.”


You each carry story inside of you waiting and aching to be written and having a midwife for that entire process is a blessing. Allow me to hold your hand.


With love,

The Writing Midwife


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