Finding Your Force A Journey to Love
Finding Your Force is a memoir written in the form of a love letter to a daughter. In this intimate conversation we journey into the darkest parts of Alicia’s soul. We walk with her as she digs deep underneath the ruins where all her secrets are kept. Santos is being called on an excavation to stop running and face those moments that have transformed her from surviving rape, healing through loss and coming out as a lesbian. This is a journey about life, death and rebirth. Alicia tells her daughter a story that is raw and heart wrenching. It is not a love story but definitely a story of love.

Sinister Wisdom 97: Out Latina Lesbians
Sinister Wisdom 97: Out Latina Lesbians, edited by Nívea Castro with Geny Cabral. Castro and Cabral have assembled an extraordinary collection of writing by Out Latina Lesbians including work by Janis Astor del Valle, Susana Cook, Alina Galliano, Alixa García, Marga Gomez, Cherríe Moraga, Monica Palacios, Bessy Reyna, and many more. Special thanks to the Open Meadows Foundation for a grant to support this issue.

The Best of PANIC!!!
The Best of PANIC!!! The first anthology for the revolutionary downtown New York/Latino reading series PANIC!, curated and edited by writer/literary activist Charlie Vázquez. Witness the cutting edge of the “new” New York underground writing scene…over thirty new voices featured!

Two Cultures Marching to One Drum
Published on Wendy Angulo - Production.com
A meditation on sisterhood and the importance of a writing community

The Writing Midwife
Something has happened to our stories. Somewhere along our personal journey we were told to hold back, to carry shame, to keep quiet, to stay silent, to suffer alone and to blame ourselves. Somewhere along our journey we were convinced and believed that our stories did not have worth or that we were not capable or qualified to write our stories. There is healing that happens through storytelling. There is power in our words. It does not matter what story you intend to write. There is something we as writers all have in common, questions that constantly arise and life distractions that keep us from committing to the task at hand. Writing has the ability to reveal to us that which lives beneath the surface and resides in our wombs. Join me for The Writer and The Story, Aligning With Our Stories Intention! Who can attend: For writers at all levels / Cross genres